The Prevention Professionals of Northern Middlesex, your Greater Lowell substance use prevention coalition, understand that accessing prevention resources is important. We have taken the time to curate a free video and podcast library to make accessing educational and wellness resources easy. Videos and podcasts topics include youth prevention, up and coming drugs, yoga, prevention tips for parents, and so much more. These resources are for all sorts of people, including youth, parents/guardians, schools, seniors, and providers. Check out the color coding on each episode to learn who the videos and podcasts are most appropriate for. Content will be updated frequently so check back often! If you have an idea for a topic, email
Parents, Schools, and Youth Serving Agencies

Vaping Education Resources for Schools, Vaping 101, Vaping Resource for Providers. Prioritizing Health Over Tobacco Industry Profits – Ashley Hall

Opioids in Dental Health, Addiction Risks, Addiction Awareness For Correctional Officers Working With Inmates, Marijuana/Vaping Effects on Adolescent Brain, Physiology of Addiction, and many more topics – Dr. Ruth Potee

Toxic Stress and Addiction – Liz Blackwell-Moore

Internet Safety for Parents – District Attorney Marian Ryan

Internet Safety for Youth – District Attorney Marian Ryan
Harm Reduction

Narcan Training – Gianna Sandelli

The Phoenix – Recovery Gym – Workout Videos
Check out our YouTube channel and Facebook page for more content!