For emergencies, call 9-1-1. For situations where the clinician and coach are unavailable, contact the non-emergency Wilmington Police Department at 978-658-5071.
In 2017, the Town of Wilmington hired a full-time clinician, Samantha Cavanaugh, LICSW. Since then, Samantha has been working with first responders to best serve Wilmington residents who need support around mental health, substance use, and other behavioral health concerns. Wilmington continues to strive to meet people where they are at, connect residents to resources, and

Samantha Cavanaugh, LICSW
provide consistent support. Some of Samantha’s roles include:
- Co-Responding with police and fire
- Follow-Up with residents as needed
- Inter-Departmental collaboration
- Training and education for officers and community members
- Hosting and facilitating events to benefit the community
Although she is based out of the Public Safety Building, Samantha has the ability to work with anyone regardless of age, identity, or involvement with the first responders. Interactions between the clinician and residents are largely protected by confidentiality except for extenuating circumstances. The goal of these services is to provide connection to long-term providers and resources to best serve the individuals and their family or support systems.
Substance Use
The Wilmington Substance Abuse Coalition (WSAC) continues to address the rising need for support in substance abuse and misuse in the community by providing prevention resources, education, and support in an effort to promote the best health for each individual. The WSAC largely focuses on working with the community and partners to strategize solutions. WSAC hosts annual vigils of remembrance and celebration, Mental Health First Aid, adolescent speaker and engagement events, collaborates with public schools and local religious organizations, has provided educational materials to town partners, and continues to evaluate the needs of the community all at no cost to residents in an effort minimize barriers.
Post-Overdose Response
Wilmington is a proud partner with most other towns and cities in Middlesex County on a database which provides cross-town collaborations to best serve clients struggling with substances, are at an acute risk, or are active across multiple areas. In 2020 the team at Wilmington added a part-time Recovery Coach, Darrell, to their approach to alcohol, opioid, and other substance-use related struggles. This police-based partnership allows Wilmington to work toward having no person to go without help, support and services. In continued collaboration with police, fire, services for veterans, elder affairs, schools, and other local treatment providers, the team in Wilmington is grateful to work with the community members.
Need help for yourself or a loved one? Contact us!
- Samantha Cavanaugh, LICSW
Health & Recovery Coordinator. 978-447-2296. - Darrell Mirrione. Recovery Coach. 978-447-4404.
- Wilmington Police Department. 1 Adelaide St, Wilmington, MA 01887
Community Resources
- Unused/unwanted/expired medications in your home? Contact Samantha and request a Deterra Pouch to safely dispose of them in the convenience of your own home
- Experiencing a crisis and can’t reach the Wilmington clinical team?
Contact Advocates Psychiatric Emergency Services. 781-893-2003. 24/7/365.
Stay in the Loop!
Wilmington is excited to offer events, resources, and information throughout the week via multiple platforms. Be sure to check them out to stay up to date with not only upcoming community events but also with relevant and trust-worthy educational information:
Wilmington is a community partner of Prevention Partners of Northern Middlesex