Healthy Lifestyle
When we talk about substance use, we are often told to encourage youth and young adults to participate and practice healthy lifestyle choices, but what are some of these practices? How can you teach the youth in your life to make life choices that have long-term benefits? What can you do as a guardian to support ongoing positive decision-making for young people? Check out the resources below to learn about healthy lifestyle choices, and what techniques can be used to encourage youth to create healthy, sustainable lifestyles.
National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)
Click below to learn more about “positive parenting” and the impact it has on youth substance use:
Family Check Up: Positive Parenting Prevents Drug Use
Center for Disease Control (CDC)
Click below to learn more about monitoring youth activities, and why it works:
Monitoring Your Teen’s Activities: What Parents and Families Should Know
Self Care
Check out the videos below and the CopeCode Club website to learn various coping skills to try when you are feeling stressed and off your game!